Big Brother contestant Yinrun was sent to jail in the garden of the iconic reality TV show this evening, as she wailed after 'breaking the rules' speaking about her nominations for eviction.
This evening's episode of Big Brother saw Yinrun speak to fellow contestant Henry about her concern with voting and how she had an 'emotional' vote but said she knew it would possibly 'affect the fate' of other contestants.
Initially reluctant to even mention nominations, Henry told Yinrun not to say it if she wasn't sure.
Big Brother made an announcement to all housemates following the rule break.
He said: “Housemates. The rules regarding the discussion of nominations were clearly explained to you.
“Today at 1.18 p.m., this rule was broken by one of you. Both of their nominations have been revoked and they will also go to jail.”
Big Brother added: “The housemate that broke the rule is Yinrun…
“This rule break has affected the outcome of this week’s nominations.”
Yinrun said: “I feel very sorry because it might be a punishment for all housemates.
The housemates began a protest around the cage that Yinrun had been shut into, while lawyer Jordan went to plead with Big Brother for 'his client' to be released on bail.
In the diary room, Jordan said: "Yinrun has already had a Mojito and doesn't drink. I'm worried under the influence of Hallie and Olivia she'll end up with tattoos."
— Alex (@alexr_241) October 25, 2023
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